Hey dad. Guess what? Alhamdulillah, I’ve made it into poly. Yes, I know its already a month I’m in poly but still, I wanted to share with you that yes, I’m in poly now. Alhamdulillah, finally after 2 years I waited, dapat juga masuk poly.  Am sure you are proud of me right? Since this is what you’ve been wanting. For me to get into poly. You know, actually I received this good news on your 2 years. Yea, it is on 7th of April 2016. I was so happy and at that time, I’m sure that you are happy right? Finally, what I’ve been aiming for, I get. If only you are still around, I’m sure you’ll be the first person to congrats me and give me a tight hug right? After all, I’m sure you gonna say that all of my hard work had been paid off. Yes dad, all of my hard work had been paid off. Oh yes, dad, I had one more good news for you. Alhamdulillah too, I had graduated from my ITE Higher Nitec course!! Yes, if I’m not mistaken, last week was my graduation day. Hehe finally right? But you know what, during that graduation, I was hoping for you to be around. Why? Because you’ve been wanting to see me grad ever since my Nitec course. But it is okay dad, am sure you see me grad from syurga right? Dad, I’m sorry for not fulfil all those 5 times a day prayer. I don’t know why but I feel like I need time to settle down and once I am fully prepared, I will perform those 5 times a day prayer. Insha’Allah dad. I miss you. I really miss you.

